Where can I apply MORCART 3D Self-adhesive Tile Sticker?

MORCART Tiles are best suited for untextured, flat, and even surfaces. They are not suitable for outdoor settings nor on the floor.

Below are some of ideal surfaces to install MORCART Tiles:

Painted gypsum (after a 21-day curing time for fresh paint)
Smooth ceramic tile
Wall panel (acrylic)
Wall linoleum
Please do not apply MORCART Tiles on these surfaces

Orange peel textured
Plywood and other wooden surfaces
We strongly recommend to clean the surface properly with a degreaser such as TSP before installing. After the surface has dried, you can install the tiles.

Our products are highly tested and can be permanent once if installed correctly.

More than 95% of our customers are very happy with our tiles. Many have installed tiles more than 4 years ago and still do not have any issues.